Thursday, January 12, 2012

2011. . .a catharsis. . .warning, it's a bit long

2011 was a bittersweet year for me.  At the very beginning of the year. . .Jan 5th to be exact. . . I found out I was pregnant with our 2nd child.  We were so excited.  The next few months were a whirlwind of getting ready for the new baby, trying to explain to our (at that time)2 year old that he was getting a new brother or sister.  Still not sure he understood until M came home.  Then in April, my aunt unexpectedly passed away.  She had not been sick at all.  She lived in a nursing home but only because she really liked it there.  She and her husband moved there when she couldn't take care of him by herself anymore.  The nursing home called us on Sunday night and said they were sending her to the ER because she was unresponsive.  When we got there she didn't know any of us and she was swollen to about twice her normal size,  She eventually knew us again but the hospital decided to send her to another hospital because we live in a small town and don't have all the up-to-date equipment.  Tuesday, my sister and I went to see her.  When we got there she was in dialysis having excess fluid removed.  She was brought back to the room in about 2 hours.  Then, they took her down for a CAT scan and said she would be back soon.  About an hour later,  they called us and said they had lost her but had gotten her back and she was in the cardiac unit.  My sister and I went down and by the time we got there, they had lost her again.  This time was her time.  She went home to be with her husband, parents, and brother.  She had told me she wanted me to name the baby Ricky.  Now there's nothing wrong with the name Ricky, but it's just not what I had in mind so sorry Aunt M, but no go on that one.  After all this happened, life went on as normal. . .as normal as it can be when you're pregnant.  I was shocked in June when I got a job.  I didn't expect anyone to hire me knowing I was pregnant and due in September.  My niece KL, came and stayed with us to watch D while I went to work.  She was a life saver.  During this time, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes.  Luckily, I was able to control it with diet and oral meds.  I worked until August 19th.  D's birthday is August 21st and I just couldn't plan a big b-day party like normal so we celebrated at Micky D's.  The docs were telling me that M was almost 9 lbs and that we needed to induce.  I was nervous to say the least.  I was induced with David because of high blood pressure but not until my due date.  He was only 7 lbs 14 oz.  Well, on August 29th, we went to the hospital at 5am.  They started inducing around 6.  After a long day of labor (luckily with a epidural. . .I"m just not a natural girl)M was born at 7:51 pm.  As soon as I saw his little foot sticking up, I said "That is not a 9 lb baby"  He wasn't.  He was 6 lbs 14 oz.  Tiny little thing compared to what I was expecting.  Granted he was 2 weeks early seeing as I wasn't due until September 11th.  He is a blessing.  We wondered why they thought he was so much bigger than he was which is what led to the induction.  Two weeks later on my due date, we found out why.  Two of my nieces, a nephew, and my great nephew were in a car wreck on September 11th.  It was the hardest thing I have ever been through.  My niece that stayed with me this summer(KL) and my nephew J were killed in the wreck.  KL was 15 and J was 9.  We were all in shock.  My niece K, who is 18 was driving and she had a concussion and some bruises and cuts.  In the ER , she couldn't remember anything for more than 30 seconds and couldn't remember that J and KL were in the car.  She didn't remember until 2 in the morning.  Her son, C, who is 4 months younger than D was hurt badly in the wreck.  He was internally decapitated and broke his collarbone and leg.  He was airlifted to LeBonheur.  He surprised everyone though and was out of the hospital in 2 1/2 weeks.  They expected at least 6 weeks.  He is great now, running around and having so much fun.  We miss KL and J everyday but we know where they are and know it is a much better place than here.  The holidays this year were hard.  Nobody expects to lose 3 family members in a year.  Especially not 2 young ones.  So hopefully, next year will be happier and no tragedies.  God has us in His hands and that is the best place anyone can be. 

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